
Episode 52: Sales Quenchers and BNI


Dr. Misner’s special guest for this episode is Michael Altshuler of Sales Quenchers mobile on-demand sales training. (That’s training delivered to your cell phone.) Sales Quenchers helps businesses find time for training.

So what makes Sales Quenchers different?

1. On-demand training through any mobile phone.

2. You get less and learn more with actionable sales tips.

3. Every tip is available in both audio and text format.

4. World-class sales experts in several categories (like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Bob Berg, and Ivan Misner).

5. Reinforcement through repetition and multiple channels.

6. Less time, more often: 3-5 minutes a day adds up.

7. Customized content.

8. Guaranteed results.

Special offer for BNI members: use the discount code “network1.”

Brought to you by Networking Now.