How to Hide an Empire

Life of Pedro Albizu Campos

Communication: Porto Rico and the War

"In his letter to The Harvard Crimson, Albizu expressed the hope that Puerto Rico might gain independence and become like Cuba. Albizu’s hope hinged, above all, on one figure, Woodrow Wilson, elected president in 1912."

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

To understand the attitude of Porto Rico towards the role that the United States is now playing in the present international struggle, a bit of history will not be out of place. When the Spanish-American war broke out, Porto Ricans looked to this country as their liberator, and a wave of Americanism swept across the country. We tried hard to become Americans in thought as well as in fact. A slight glance at our legislation between 1900 and 1904 will convince anyone of the truth of this statement. We went as far as to give more importance to English than to our own language, Spanish, in our schools. The Republican Party, with its belief in statehood for the island, controlled the country until 1904. However, a sharp reaction set in to counteract the political abuses of the appointees, and as an expression of national consciousness, the Unionist Party came into control as a result.

The new party, to satisfy the dissenting republicans who aimed primarily at the abolition of corruption, but who still had remained faithful in their belief in statehood, put in a plank to that effect. The nationalists also received recognition, for the party pledged itself to independence under the protectorate of the United States, identical to the present status of Cuba; and, thirdly, it declared itself for home rule somewhat similar to that which Canada enjoys. It is clear that this platform is an expression of the most conflicting interests. However, the Unionist Party carried the people with it and controlled absolutely the branch of the Government responsible to the voters up to November, 1916. The consent of the governed has not been, until the recent Jones Bill was passed by Congress and signed by President Wilson, a recognized axiom of government in Porto Rico. In spite of popular support, the Unionist Party, as any other party would have been, was helpless to solve the vital questions affecting Porto Rico--the relations between the island and the United States, the curbing of the omnipotence of corporations, etc., for the simple reason that by the Foraker Act we have been living until now virtually under the complete control of a council appointed by the President of the United States, and which with the governor also appointed, had legislative, judicial, and executive powers, the whole government being in its hands.

The futility of sustaining the Unionists in power was realized in 1916, although the futility of maintaining any party until we could have some sort of democratic government, was not as plain. The Republicans have again appeared in full strength still firm in their convic- tion in statehood and Americanization.

The Jones Bill which has become law, gives Porto Rico a form of home rule and makes Porto Ricans citizens of the United States. The press of the Island has expressed the joy that the people feel now due to such an important event, and there is faith in the United States and in the spirit of fairness prevailing here which has led this nation to generous action for the benefit of assailed mankind.

There is no doubt that if Porto Rico could view the status of Cuba, the bond between this precious Antille and this colossus would be one of the deepest affection. Although these wishes are not realized, gentlemen, let me assure you and the American people of our loyalty to the United States. The original charter of Porto Rico was granted by Spain because our loyalty had been tested, and it remained unbroken through the many vicissitudes that she had to suffer. We have seen our coasts bombarded and invaded by all her powerful past enemies, England, Holland, France and our country we never allowed to fall under their heels. We welcomed the American flag in 1898 because we believed it, and still believe it, to be a symbol of democracy and justice. It was conceived in that spirit. We want Americans to know the facts of our situation that they may be true to themselves and find a just solution for our relations. But so far as this war is concerned, there is no division among us, we detest German tyranny and arrogance, and we will give good account of ourselves in actual voluntary military co-operation with the United States. PEDRO ALLUZU Y CAMPOS '16.

Front page of The Harvard Crimson, 8th September 2017.

How to Hide an Empire

This timespace is inspired by the 7th chapter of the book How to Hide an Empire, by Daniel Immerwahr. It tells the life of Puerto Rican nationalist Pedro Albizu Campos in the context of other nationalist movements and U.S. interventions in Latin America.

Albizu Campos' trial Birth Scholarship to University of Vermont Transferred to Harvard Elected vice-president of the Cosmopolitan Club Elected president of the Cosmopolitan Club Admitted to Harvard Law School
Communication: Porto Rico and the War
Joins the Army Attempt to raise money to send him to Paris Journey to the mainland Returns to Harvard Law School Graduates from Harvard and returns to Puerto Rico Married Dr. Laura Meneses Joins the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Travels around Latin America Becomes president of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Defends the nationalist Luis Velasquez Runs for the Puerto Rican Senate Sugar cane strikes Barceloneta's Central Plazuela workers go on strike 1,200 workers from Central Coloso join the strike 8,000 workers join the Coloso strike Central Guánica goes on strike Peak of the strike Albizu Campos speaks to a crowd of 6,000 people Albizu Campos has a lunch with Colonel E. Francis Riggs The sugar strike is settled Río Piedras Massacre Our Political Status, by Pedro Albizu Campos Puerto Rican Nationalism, an essay by Pedro Albizu Campos Assassination of Colonel Riggs First arrest Trial Ponce Massacre Albizu Campos is flown to a prison in Atlanta Released on probation Hospitalization at Columbus Hospital, New York US Congress authorizes Puerto Ricans to choose their own governor Returns to Puerto Rico The Nationalist Party is targeted by the FBI Puerto Rican flags were illegal Public Law 53 or "Gag Law" Vito Marcantonio speaks to the US Congress about Albizu Campos Speech: Pedro Albizu Campos speaks about the independence of Puerto Rico Puerto Rican Nationalist Party Revolts Attempt to assassinate president Harry Truman Crossfire at Albizu's home Second arrest Brass Tacks Speech at the Municipal Meeting in Lares Pardoned by Luis Muñoz Marín Attack on the United States House of Representatives Third arrest Luís Muñoz Marín talks about Albizu Campos in an interview Albizu Called House Attack "Heroism" Albizu y Campos Arrested for Link With Recent Shooting in Congress Suffered a stroke Death A recording of Pedro Albizu Campos is released